Today is the birthday of my friend Kinga Tóth. Happy birthday to her! But the reason I'm writing is not (only) this. She recently sent me some paintings that she made. They are actually "verse-posters" printed onto tarpaulin. Kinga is an incredibly talented young woman and she seems to have some connection to chickens too, hence the reason they are appearing in my thematic blog. Here are the two pieces of art and verse (unfortunately, the text is only comprehensible to the Hungarian speaking audience, but maybe if I find the time, I'll translate them so everyone can understand. Till then, just enjoy the sight.). I have included the text of Till the Seventh Month, written by Kinga, below, because it's kinda hard to read, and the text is amazing... and connects us, in fetal form, to chickens. As she writes: "Till the seventh month [in the womb] there is no difference between me and a chicken, between a chicken and me."
Thanks, Kinga, your words and texts open the mind (even without the chicken content). Keep up the great work.
a hetedik hónapig
behajlítva a kar hátranyomva a felkar hajlított és
hátranyomva a
kulcscsont és előre a fej
a kulcscsont és előre a fej
még nem formáltak az ajkak
előre nyúlnak és apró lyuk
csak orrporc sem
nem feltétlen az összes ujj
a hetedik hónapig
hártya köti össze
őket és a burok is még
fehérjés azt szürcsöli
az összes addig a láb is
felhúzva mellkasig akár
de semmiképp sincs nyújtva semmiképp sem nyújtott
a hetedik hónapig nincs
különbség köztem és egy csirke
közt egy csirke és köztem

Superchicken: about the relationship of country people and city people to chickens (mostly in the form of eating them, unfortunately.)