Poultry in Your Eye

Csirkék. Szépek, viccesek, komolyak. Minden madár csirke. A lényeg: imádom őket. ------------------------------------------------------------- Chickens. Beautiful, funny, serious. All birds are chickens. The main idea: I love them. I'd love to have your input! *************************** AMIRE NEM VAGYOK KIVÁNCSI: csirkéket evő, gyilkolászó, rabságban tartó, vagy egyéb szörnyű, csirkéket megalázó képeket, megjegyzéseket. Ha nem szereted a csirkéket, vagy inkább ennivalóként gondolsz rájuk, ez nem a te helyed, menj el. ------------------------------------------- WHAT I DON'T WANT: pix of chickens being eaten, killed, enslaved, or any other, terrible images or comments of humiliated chickens. If you don't like chickens or think of them rather as food, this isn't where you belong. Go away.

Friss topikok

  • Trackstar: Ő egy emu egyébként :) (2014.11.25. 21:43) ostrich photobomb!
  • ninichicken: arra gondoltam, hogy kiosztom őket itt, hogy mindenki fessen, írjon, alkosson rá valamit, ami jól ... (2011.12.13. 22:34) Poultry in your Ei (Day 3.)


égszakadás földindulás...

2013.01.11. 22:27 ninichicken

...a fejünkön egy koppanás. 

Néhány éve ment a mozikban a Chicken Little. Vicces kis film, utána megfogadtam, hogy több rajzfilmet fogok nézni, mert elég szellemesek ezek az "újfajták" (ebből sajna nem lett semmi). Magamra ismertem Csodacsibe szerencsétlenkedéseit, botladozásait, lecsúszó szemüvegét látva.

Van is egy kis plüss Csodacsibém is, mosolyog és huhúzik, énekel... 

Sohasem értettem: ha állatos filmet nézel, átérzed a "főhős" szenvedéseit és drukkolsz neki (ezesetben egy kis kakasnak), hogy minden jóra forduljon, hogy lehet utána egy vödör rántott csirkét rendelni a KFCben? De persze ebbe nem gondolsz bele, ha húsevő vagy. Nem térítek tovább, itt a mai kép. 

Chicken Little's reaction to the menu in the food court: 


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I was gonna post this, but I forgot.

2013.01.09. 23:26 ninichicken

Better late than never. 


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A bit of advertising...

2013.01.07. 19:53 ninichicken


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The story of an egg

2013.01.06. 16:05 ninichicken

Kinda makes you not wanna eat eggs anymore, huh? (esp. if, ladies, you think about where this part is in your own body and where the product ends up)



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I really, REALLY hate winter. Please end soon.

2013.01.05. 18:41 ninichicken


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Super Chickens

2013.01.03. 15:56 ninichicken

Today is the birthday of my friend Kinga Tóth. Happy birthday to her! But the reason I'm writing is not (only) this. She recently sent me some paintings that she made. They are actually "verse-posters" printed onto tarpaulin. Kinga is an incredibly talented young woman and she seems to have some connection to chickens too, hence the reason they are appearing in my thematic blog. Here are the two pieces of art and verse (unfortunately, the text is only comprehensible to the Hungarian speaking audience, but maybe if I find the time, I'll translate them so everyone can understand. Till then, just enjoy the sight.). I have included the text of Till the Seventh Month, written by Kinga, below, because it's kinda hard to read, and the text is amazing... and connects us, in fetal form, to chickens. As she writes: "Till the seventh month [in the womb] there is no difference between me and a chicken, between a chicken and me." 

Thanks, Kinga, your words and texts open the mind (even without the chicken content). Keep up the great work. 

a hetedik hónapig

behajlítva a kar hátranyomva  a felkar hajlított és

                                                 hátranyomva a

                                                 kulcscsont és előre a fej

a kulcscsont és előre a fej

még nem formáltak az ajkak

előre nyúlnak és apró lyuk

csak orrporc sem

nem feltétlen az összes ujj


a hetedik hónapig

hártya köti össze

őket és a burok is még

fehérjés azt szürcsöli

az összes addig a láb is

felhúzva mellkasig akár

de semmiképp sincs nyújtva   semmiképp sem nyújtott


a hetedik hónapig nincs

különbség köztem és egy csirke

közt egy csirke és köztem

a hetedik 50x100cm molino ringlizés.jpg

supercsirke 01 másolata.jpg

Superchicken: about the relationship of country people and city people to chickens (mostly in the form of eating them, unfortunately.) 

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Headed straight for the new year!

2012.12.31. 14:40 ninichicken


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A chicken video, just for me!

2012.12.30. 17:00 ninichicken

A few days ago, a friend of mine, Miklós Szekrényes, wrote to me wishing me a happy birthday (our birthdays happen to be on the same day, 10 years apart) and said that his son, Ádám, made me a chicken-minecraft video for my birthday. I was afraid at first, thinking it would end up in the annihilation of the chicken in some gruesome way, but no, instead, I got a video of a chicken who dreams of becoming a warrior and the dream comes true. (Does this prove that chickens are peaceful while man is violent? hmmm) It is a short little video, but it shows how the small dream of a chicken can become a reality after all. I especially liked the square sun dipping into the horizon at the end. Enjoy the pixels! Here is the work of Ádám Szekrényes: 

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Know your chicken facts!

2012.12.27. 15:40 ninichicken

~~~~~ Chicken Fun Facts ~~~~~~

taken from: (check 'em out!)

The chicken is the closest living relative to the T-Rex.

There are over 3 billion chickens in China alone. Some breeds of chickens can lay colored eggs. The Ameraucana and Araucana can lay eggs of green or blue.

The most eggs laid by a chicken in one day is seven. If you make the chickens think it's daylight, even at night, they'll lay eggs that are bigger with harder shells. The largest recorded size of a chicken egg was 12 oz and measured 12-1/4" in diameter. The greatest number of recorded yolks in one egg was 9.

A chicken can travel 9 miles an hour. This is usually a combined effort of running, jumping and flying. Chickens, like other birds and mammals, experience rapid eye movement (REM) when they sleep. And, chickens have over 200 distinct noises they can make for communicating.

The chicken pox weren't named after chickens or anything to do with chickens. The name came from an old English expression "gican pox", meaning "itching pox".

Kentucky Fried Chicken's consumers eat enough chickens for them to be laid end to end and circle the equator eleven times. The same amount of chickens would also equal the distance from earth to over 50,000 miles past the moon.

When there is no rooster in a flock of hens one hen will take over the role - as much as possible - and will begin to crow and stop laying eggs.

The waste produced by just one chicken can supply enough electricity to run a hundred-watt lightbulb for about five hours.

In Ancient Rome someone who said to you "You were raised by a hen", was giving you a compliment. The expression "Mother hen", also implies that a chicken makes a great mother.

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What I got for Xmas.

2012.12.27. 14:54 ninichicken

Yaaay!!! Ez aztán a jó kis ajándék! Volt benne poszter is, sok sok érdekes csirkével. Most már csak ki kell találjam, hová tegyem fel... 


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A merry xmas to all and to all a good chicken!

2012.12.25. 16:40 ninichicken

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Don't f*ck with the seemingly innocuous.

2012.12.18. 14:00 ninichicken

When rushing to do something noble (saving the princess, the country, the riches, the Earth &c.) don't forget to be kind to the small, seemingly harmless creatures on the way. They will find you and they will kill you, and you might not get to do your noble deed after all...

So be nice. 


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2012.12.16. 19:14 ninichicken


... and saving the environment... 



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Angry Birds IRL

2012.12.10. 23:53 ninichicken

I think this bird (what kind of bird is it?) is not happy being sniffed. 

angry bird.jpg

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somebody's in for a big surprise!

2012.11.22. 18:02 ninichicken

owl.jpgalthough I am not entirely unsure that an owl-lens camera couldn't work.

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A nap szépe 17.

2012.11.22. 00:54 ninichicken


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this is why

2012.11.15. 16:10 ninichicken

This is part of the reason why I run this blog. To perhaps try and change the perspective of even meat eaters (no, I'm not trying to get anyone to be a veggie, don't get me wrong), to see chickens as more than just ridiculous clucking hunks of meat on legs. To see them as beautiful birds, which, though hidden behind the screen of the one-dimensional food industry, flightless and exploited, are living beings with something more to offer. 


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Sexy owl strikes again

2012.11.14. 00:01 ninichicken


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The walk of life...

2012.11.06. 23:18 ninichicken

Sometimes I shudder when I think about all the weird stuff out there on the internet. And if you feel you don't have enough insanity in your life, here's a video that will help push you over the cliff. Before you settle down with a bowl of popcorn and a jumbo Slurpee, make sure you reserve a bed at the local insane asylum and have the orderlies come pick you up in exactly 12 hours and 27 seconds. That's how long this video lasts. It shows... a pixel chicken walking. Yes. Walking. That's it. 

One of the comments says: "I like the part where the chicken walks." Yup, dear LonelyHunterKnZ, I see you have finally hit rock bottom. Don't forget to pack comfy pajamas for your stay at the asylum. 

I wonder if there is actually a living person who watched this video from start to finish. Perhaps if they survived, they switched to the 10 hour loop of Nyan cat. At least the Nyan cat music is a hair better. (a thin hair)

So enjoy! (Oh, and feel free to download it!)

This chicken gem was once again a gift from Wojtek Ziemilski. Thanks! (I can't even imagine what you were looking for when you found this.)

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Living in luxury

2012.11.03. 14:30 ninichicken

We've all heard about casting pearls before swine. But what about casting them before chickens? Chickens in themselves are beautiful. And if they are washed and combed, wined and dined and then given little tiaras and necklaces as extra perks... well, then they are nearly irresistible! Here is a series from Peter Lippmann, shown to me by Wojtek Ziemilski (thank you!). Here is the link to the whole series

but these are my favorites (notice the delicate little bejeweled butterflies!)




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This is what it will look like when the chicken apocalypse comes

2012.10.24. 00:49 ninichicken


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A nap szépe 16.

2012.10.15. 18:14 ninichicken

Taken from ChickenJunkie on Facebook, this is Nina, a lovely Russian Orloff pullet. According to the caption, the only pullet who survived a raccoon raid earlier in the summer.

So she deserves a place here: Introducing, Nina! 


Who would think, to look at her, how tiny she actually is! 


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Anti-joke chicken strikes again!

2012.10.14. 20:35 ninichicken


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so saccharine, I got sugar high just looking at the picture

2012.10.13. 01:46 ninichicken

there are those moments in life when you are so tired you laugh at anything, when you are so tired, even the most syrupy, gooey, schmaltzy, kitschy, sweeter-than-a-candy-corn-filled-twinkie picture is exactly what you need. it is a moment when even these pictures are worth posting. when all you want to say is, awww! and flop into bed. well, this is one of those moments. 

here you go. get your toothbrushes ready, so you don't get cavities immediately after laying eyes upon the image. 


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2012.10.11. 11:49 ninichicken

I just received the wonderful news yesterday the Ursula will come to Solitude (where I am now). This is amazing news. I'm looking forwards to seeing her and to hearing about the adventures of the Chix on Speed over the past year. Hopefully it will result in a good update. (Though I didn't even finish my last update. jeez)

Till then, I remain indoors and shiver. It's coooooold! 


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